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To read an example abstract, go to digital. We read cookbooks to find out how to make brownies; we read textbooks to learn about history, biology, and other academic topics. And as writers, we read our own drafts to make sure they say what we mean.

In other words, we read for many different purposes. Following are some strategies for reading with a critical eye. It always helps to approach new information in the context of what we already know. List any terms or phrases that come to mind, and group them into categories.

Then, or after reading a few paragraphs, list any questions that you expect, want, or hope to be answered as you read, and number them according to their importance to you. Finally, after you read the whole text, list what you learned from it.

Preview the text. Start by skimming to get the basic ideas; read the title and subtitle, any headings, the first and last paragraphs, the first sentences of all the other paragraphs.

Study any visuals. Think about your initial response. Read the text to get a sense of it; then jot down brief notes about your initial reaction, and think about why you reacted as you did. What aspects of the text account for this reaction?

Highlight key words and phrases, connect ideas with lines or symbols, and write comments or questions in the margins. What you annotate depends on your purpose. One simple way of annotating is to use a coding system, such as a check mark to indicate passages that confirm what you already thought, an X for ones that contradict your previous thinking, a question mark for ones that are puzzling or confusing, an exclamation point or asterisk for ones that strike you as important, and so on.

You might also circle new words that you need to look up. Play the believing and doubting game. Analyze how the text works. Outline the text paragraph by paragraph. Are there any patterns in the topics the writer addresses? How has the writer arranged ideas, and how does that arrangement develop the topic? Identify patterns. Look for notable patterns in the text: recurring words and their synonyms, repeated phrases and metaphors, and types of sentences. Does the author rely on any particular writing strategies?

Is the evidence offered more opinion than fact? Is there a predominant pattern to how sources are presented? As quotations? In visual texts, are there any patterns of color, shape, and line? Consider the larger context. What other arguments is he or she responding to? Who is cited? Be persistent with difficult texts. For texts that are especially challenging or uninteresting, first try skimming the headings, the abstract or introduction, and the conclusion to look for something that relates to knowledge you already have.

As a critical reader, you need to look closely at the argument a text makes. Does his or her language include you, or not? Hint: if you see the word we, do you feel included?

So learning to read and interpret visual texts is just as necessary as it is for written texts. Take visuals seriously. When they appear as part of a written text, they may introduce information not discussed elsewhere in the text.

It might also help to think about its purpose: Why did the writer include it? What information does it add or emphasize? What argument is it making? How to read charts and graphs. A line graph, for example, usually contains certain elements: title, legend, x-axis, y-axis, and source information. Figure 1 shows one such graph taken from a sociology textbook.

Other types of charts and graphs include some of these same elements. But the specific elements vary according to the different Legend: Explains the symbols used. Here, colors show the different categories. X-axis: Defines the dependent variable something that changes depending on other factors. Women in the labor force as a percent of the total labor force both men and women age sixteen and over.

For example, the chart in Figure 2, from the same textbook, includes elements of both bar and line graphs to depict two trends at once: the red line shows the percentage of women who were in the US labor force from to , and the blue bars show the percentage of US workers who were women during that same period. Both trends are shown in two-year increments. To make sense of this chart, you need to read the title, the y-axis labels, and the labels and their definitions carefully.

Research Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. We search the web for information about a new computer, ask friends about the best place to get coffee, try on several pairs of jeans before deciding which ones to buy.

Will you need to provide background information? What kinds of evidence will your audience find persuasive? What attitudes do they hold, and how can you best appeal to them?

If so, which media will best reach your audience, and how will they affect the kind of information you search for? Is there a due date? How much time will your project take, and how can you best schedule your time in order to complete it?

If the assignment offers only broad guidelines, identify the requirements and range of possibilities, and define your topic within those constraints. As you consider topics, look to narrow your focus to be specific enough to cover in a research paper. Reference librarians can direct you to the most appropriate reference works, and library catalogs and databases provide sources that have been selected by experts.

General encyclopedias and other reference works can provide an overview of your topic, while more specialized encyclopedias cover subjects in greater depth and provide other scholarly references for further research. Some databases include documentation entries in several styles that you can simply copy and paste. Generate a list of questions beginning with What?

Who should determine when and where fracking can be done? Should fracking be expanded? Select one question, and use it to help guide your research. Drafting a tentative thesis. Here are three tentative thesis statements, each one based on a previous research question about fracking: By injecting sand, water, and chemicals into rock, fracking may pollute drinking water and air.

The federal government should strictly regulate the production of natural gas by fracking. Fracking can greatly increase our supplies of natural gas, but other methods of producing energy should still be pursued. A tentative thesis will help guide your research, but you should be ready to revise it as you continue to learn about your subject and consider many points of view.

Which sources you turn to will depend on your topic. For a report on career opportunities in psychology, you might interview someone working in the field.

Primary sources are original works, such as historical documents, literary works, eyewitness accounts, diaries, letters, and lab studies, as well as your own original field research.

Secondary sources include scholarly books and articles, reviews, biographies, and other works that interpret or discuss primary sources. Whether a source is considered primary or secondary sometimes depends on your topic and purpose.

Scholarly and popular sources. Popular sources, on the other hand, are written for a general audience, and while they may discuss scholarly research, they are more likely to summarize that research than to report on it in detail. Catchy, provocative titles usually signal that a source is popular, not scholarly. Scholarly sources are written by authors with academic credentials; popular sources are most often written by journalists or staff writers.

Includes an abstract. Multiple authors who are academics. Author not an academic. Consider how much prior knowledge readers are assumed to have. Are specialized terms defined, and are the people cited identified in some way? Look as well at the detail: scholarly sources describe methods and give more detail, often in the form of numerical data; popular sources give less detail, often in the form of anecdotes.

Scholarly sources are published by academic journals, university presses, and professional organizations such as the Modern Language Association; popular sources are published by general interest magazines such as Time or Fortune or trade publishers such as Norton or Penguin. Scholarly journal articles often begin with an abstract or summary of the article; popular magazine articles may include a tag line giving some sense of what the article covers, but less than a formal summary.

Scholarly sources have URLs that end in. Keep in mind that searching requires flexibility, both in the words you use and in the methods you try. For some topics, you might find specialized reference works such as the Film Encyclopedia or Dictionary of Philosophy, which provide in-depth information on a single field or topic and can often lead you to more specific sources.

Many reference works are also online, but some may be available only in the library. Wikipedia can often serve as a starting point for preliminary research and includes links to other sources, but since its information can be written and rewritten by anyone, make sure to consult other reference works as well.

You can find bibliographies in many scholarly articles and books. Check with a reference librarian for help finding bibliographies on your research topic. You can search the catalog by author, title, subject, or keyword. Many books in the catalog are also available online, and some may be downloaded to a computer or mobile device.

Indexes list articles by topics; databases usually provide full texts or abstracts. While some databases and indexes are freely available online, most must be accessed through a library. EBSCOhost provides databases of abstracts and complete articles from periodicals and government documents. InfoTrac offers full-text articles from scholarly and popular sources, including the New York Times. JSTOR archives many scholarly journals but not current issues.

Humanities International Index contains bibliographies for over 2, humanities journals. MLA International Bibliography indexes scholarly articles on modern languages, literature, folklore, and linguistics.

PsycINFO indexes scholarly literature in psychology. Because it is so vast and dynamic, however, finding information can be a challenge. Google, Bing, Yahoo! Yippy, Dogpile, and SurfWax let you use several search sites simultaneously. They are best for searching broadly; use a single site to obtain the most precise results. For peer-reviewed academic writing in many disciplines, try Google Scholar; or use Scirus for scientific, technical, and medical documents.

Following are a few of the many resources available on the web. You can find information put together by specialists at The Voice of the Shuttle a guide to online resources in the humanities ; the WWW Virtual Library a catalog of websites on numerous subjects, compiled by subject specialists ; or in subject directories such as those provided by Google and Yahoo!

News sites. Many newspapers, magazines, and radio and TV stations have websites that provide both up-to-the-minute information and also archives of older news articles. Through Google News and NewsLink, for example, you can access current news worldwide, and Google News Archive Search has files extending back to the s. Government sites.

Many government agencies and departments maintain websites where you can find government reports, statistics, legislative information, and other resources. Audio, video, and image collections. Your library likely subscribes to various databases where you can find and download audio, video, and image files. AP Images provides access to photographs taken for the Associated Press; Artstor is a digital library of images; Naxos Music Library contains more than 60, recordings. Digital archives.

You can find primary sources from the past, including drawings, maps, recordings, speeches, and historic documents at sites maintained by the National Archives, the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library, and others.

Three kinds of field research that you might consider are interviews, observations, and surveys. If you wish to record the interview, ask for permission. Some writing projects are based on information you get by observing something. How does this observation relate to your research goals, and what do you expect to find? Also note details about the setting.

Then analyze your notes, looking for patterns. What did you learn? Did anything surprise or puzzle you? One way of gathering information from a large number of people is to use a questionnaire. Multiple-choice questions will be easier to tally than openended questions. Be sure to give a due date and to say thank you.

A Google search on the same topic produces over ten thousand hits. How do you decide which ones to read? This chapter presents advice on evaluating potential sources and reading those you choose critically. What kinds of sources will they find persuasive? How well does it relate to your purpose? What would it add to your work?

To see what it covers, look at the title and at any introductory material such as a preface or an abstract. Has the author written other works on this subject? Is he or she known for a particular position on it? If the credentials are not stated, you might do a search to see what else you can learn about him or her. Does the source cover various points of view or advocate only one perspective?

Does its title suggest a certain slant? If the source is a book, what kind of company published it; if an article, what kind of periodical did it appear in? Books published by university presses and articles in scholarly journals are reviewed by experts before they are published. But books and articles written for the general public do not undergo rigorous review or fact-checking.

Is the site maintained by an organization, an interest group, a government agency, or an individual? Look for clues in the URL:. Can you understand it? Texts written for a general audience might be easier to understand but not authoritative enough for academic work. Scholarly texts will be more authoritative but may be hard to comprehend. Check to see when books and articles were published and when websites were last updated.

If a site lists no date, see if links to other sites still work; if not, the site is probably too dated to use. If so, you can probably assume that some other writers regard it as trustworthy. Is there a bibliography that might lead you to other sources? How current or authoritative are the sources it cites? Pay attention to what they say, to the reasons and evidence they offer to support what they say, and to whether they address viewpoints other than their own.

Assume that each author is responding to some other argument. Does he or she present several different positions or argue for a particular position? What arguments is he or she responding to? How thoroughly does he or she consider alternative arguments? Does it seem objective, or does the content or language reveal a particular bias?

Are opposing views considered and treated fairly? Does it support a different argument altogether? Does it represent a position you need to address? Is the main purpose to inform readers about a topic or to argue a certain point? This chapter focuses on going beyond what your sources say to inspire and support what you want to say.

What makes them so strong? Are there any that you need to address in what you write? Have you discovered new questions you need to investigate? Entering the conversation. This is the exciting part of a research project, for when you write out your own ideas on the topic, you will find yourself entering that conversation. This chapter will help you with the specifics of integrating source materials into your writing and acknowledging your sources appropriately.

The following examples are shown in MLA style. To quote three lines or less of poetry in MLA style, run them in with your text, enclosed in quotation marks. Separate lines with slashes, leaving one space on each side of the slash. Include the line numbers in parentheses at the end of the quotation. Set off long quotations block style. Longer quotations should not be run in with quotation marks but instead are set off from your text and indented from the left margin.

What better way to get our attention? The solution for most nonprofits has been to show the despair. Indicate any additions or changes with brackets. Paraphrase when the source material is important but the original wording is not. Because it includes all the main points and details of the source material, a paraphrase is usually about the same length as the original.

These results helped explain why bladder cancers had become so prevalent among dyestuffs workers. With the invention of mauve in , synthetic dyes began replacing natural plant-based dyes in the coloring of cloth and leather.

After mauve, the first synthetic dye, was invented in , leather and cloth manufacturers replaced most natural dyes made from plants with synthetic dyes, and by the early s textile workers had very high rates of bladder cancer. The experiments with dogs revealed the connection Now see two examples that demonstrate some of the challenges of paraphrasing. The paraphrase below borrows too much of the original language or changes it only slightly, as the words and phrases highlighted in yellow show.

Now-classic experiments in showed that when dogs were exposed to aromatic amines, chemicals used in synthetic dyes derived from coal, they developed bladder cancer. Similar cancers were prevalent among dyestuffs workers, and these experiments helped to explain why. Mauve, a synthetic dye, was invented in , after which cloth and leather manufacturers replaced most of the natural plant-based dyes with synthetic dyes.

These results helped researchers identify why cancers of the bladder had become so common among textile workers who worked with dyes. With the development of mauve in , synthetic dyes began to be used instead of dyes based on plants in the dyeing of leather and cloth. By the end of the nineteenth century, rates of bladder cancer among these workers had increased dramatically, and the experiments using dogs helped clear up this oddity Steingraber One common mistake many writers make is to start by copying a passage directly from a source and then changing it: adding some words or deleting some words, replacing others with synonyms, altering sentence structures.

Use your own words and sentence structure. If you use any words from the original, put them in quotation marks. Unlike a paraphrase, a summary does not present the details, and it is generally as brief as possible. Summaries may boil down an entire book or essay into a single sentence, or they may take a paragraph or more to present the main ideas.

Here, for example, is a summary of the original excerpt from Steingraber see p. Signal verbs. The language you use in a signal phrase can be neutral, like X says or according to Y. The example above referring to the textbook author uses the verb argues, suggesting that what she says is disputable or that the writer believes it is.

Science writer Isaac McDougal questions whether. For example: In other words, the data suggest that. Our theory challenges common assumptions about. Their hypothesis supposes. Verb tenses. Each documentation style has its own conventions regarding the verbs that are used in signal phrases. If, however, you mention the date when the source was written, the verb should be in the past tense. Dowdall, Crawford, and Wechsler have observed that. But to discuss the implications of an experiment or conclusions that are generally agreed on, APA requires the use of the present tense: the findings of the study suggest, most researchers concur.

Use the past tense, however, when you are focusing on the fact that the action took place in the past: Just before signing the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his wife. Use the present tense, however, when citing research reports: Gillen provides the most detailed evidence.

Statistics and facts. Most of the time, it will be clear that you are documenting only the statistic or fact. When in doubt, provide documentation or ask your instructor for advice.

The following practices will help you avoid plagiarizing. Like other sources, information from the web must be acknowledged. Students who plagiarize fail courses or might even be expelled from school. Documenting our sources not only helps establish our credibility as researchers and writers, but it also enables our readers to find our sources themselves if they wish to.

The Little Seagull Handbook provides guidelines on four documentation styles, each of which is commonly used in specific disciplines. Although the specific guidelines for the styles differ, they all require that you provide basic information about the authors, titles, and publication of your sources. MLA Style MLA style calls for 1 brief in-text documentation and 2 complete bibliographic information in a list of works cited at the end of your text.

The models and examples in this chapter draw on the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook, published by the Modern Language Association in For additional information, visit style. You have three options for citing a source in your text: quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Variations on those examples follow. The examples illustrate the MLA style of using quotation marks around titles of short works and italicizing titles of long works.

Do not write page or p. Do not use punctuation between the name and the page number s. Notice that in the example above, the parenthetical reference comes after the closing quotation marks but before the period at the end of the sentence. For a work by three or more authors, name the first author followed by et al.

The US government can be direct when it wants to be. LITERARY WORKS When referring to literary works that are available in many different editions, give the page numbers from the edition you are using, followed by information that will let readers of any edition locate the text you are citing. Give the page and chapter number, separated by a semicolon. Give the part and the line numbers separated by periods.

If a poem has only line numbers, use the word line s only in the first reference. Evan Spigel, who has posted screen shots of e-mail peserta didik menyimak dengan baik.

The app Paper looks nothing at all like a Facebook 3. Facebook formed a group called Internet. According to Mark, if we are always under pressure of 4. By subscribing to mobile services for the opportunity to waktu terjadinya dengan yang merujuk pada use Facebook makes it more economical for mobile kesudahannya.

Kemudian, peser ta didik diminta The children have played hide-and-seek for half an hour. Angga has climbed mountains since he was young. See the example. People have ridden bicycles during the car free day since Contoh jawaban: 6 a. Saturday Last Saturday 6. I played badminton with 1. I climbed a coconut tree 2. I wrote an e-mail to my 3. I rode a bicycle around 4. I prepared materials for 5. Fill in the blanks with the suitable forms of the verbs in brackets. Change the verbs into simple past or present perfect forms.

Did, attend 2. Contoh jawaban: 1. The children played hide-and-seek in the yard. Angga climbed a mountain yesterday. Sonia wrote about her daily experiences in a diary. People rode bicycles during the car free day. Work in pairs. Aldo prepared camping equipment. Ask and answer questions about past activities or events, based 6. Contoh jawaban: 8. You : Good afternoon, sister.

Your sister : Good afternoon. You look very tired. Please Mom has prepared lunch for you. You : O. Your sister : By the way, I asked you to buy flowers. You : Of course not. I have bought them and I left them on my bicycle. Let me fetch them. Thank you, dear. You : Congratulations for having a trip with your idol!

How was your experience? Your friend : Thank you. It was memorable! We visited 1. You : How many people were on holiday? Peserta didik diminta menyebutkan kembali kalimat- Your friend : Of course we were happy.

He is such a nice kalimat tersebut dalam bentuk present perfect tense. He also gave each of us 4. You : It must be an unforgettable experience!

You : Hello, Donna. You : Have you received my invitation? Have you received it? Your friend : Yeah! Collin gave me the invitation. Your friend : O. Ask and answer questions about your past activities or experiences, using past verbs. Do it in turns. Peserta didik secara bergantian melakukan tanya jawab 1. You and your brother are going to surprise your father tentang kegiatan atau peristiwa masa lalu, menggunakan on his birthday. Your brother checks to confirm whether kata kerja past.

How 3. How would the dialog go? Your father asked you to help send a package to your aunt in another town, this morning. Now he asks for Contoh jawaban: confirmation about whether you have sent the package You : What is one of the most important moments in and how you sent it. You respond. How would the dialog your life? Your friend : It was my entry to junior high school.

Contoh jawaban: You : Why was it important? You : No. We only ordered a small amount of You : I see. So tell me about your entry to junior high cake, so it will not be delivered.

What happened? Your brother : All right. Do you need help fetch the cake? I can do it myself. You : Wow, amazing! What did you feel when you were accepted?

You : Did you watch the basketball match Your friend : Definitely, I was very happy, so were my parents. How was it? Your friend : It was such a competitive game. Both teams played vigorously. You : Who won the game? The final score was 76— You : What a disappointment! Write it based on the result of your interview in TASK Your friend : Our team played very well and Then, read your text aloud. Contoh jawaban: Guys, let me tell you about one of the most important 3.

It was her entry to junior high school, Renata, Rio? You : Yes, Dad. I sent it this afternoon. The reason why it was important was that, not everyone in our Your father : Thank you. Anyway, how did you send it? The person on duty one choice of many smart students from neighboring towns. Thank you. You can imagine how happy she was, so You : Any time. She still remembered how happy they were when she told them that she passed the entrance test. So, she was extremely excited on her first day at junior high school.

Before the Internet got going, I tried going to the library and asking around but it was the Internet which really allowed me to drive the idea Homework forward. Having access to so much information was life- Find a script of an interview with an inventor or famous person.

Then, develop the script into a meaningful text. Host : Did you get presentation drawing sheets produced or make Contoh jawaban: a prototype of your invention, how did you go about this?

Host : What have you found the best ways of promoting your Host : Please could you tell me a little bit about where you are invention? Initially, I used for cycling. My life is bicycle-based and that is how social media to connect with all the relevant bike groups I prefer to get around. My daily commuting is 5 miles I could find in the world. Being a Spanish speaker each way, cycling into central Cambridge in all kinds of helped a lot.

Host : Please could you tell me a little bit about your product, Sally : Funding. I could wear without feeling embarrassed or needing to Sally : I had to sit on the idea for over 5 years before finding change on arrival at my destination.

My raincoats are the Host : Is there anything you learned from developing your first coats to combine Savile Row styling with high invention that you would now do differently if you had to performance fabric in bright colors. The coats are do it all again? Mistakes are valuable and opportunities to learn from.

Host : What were the first steps you took, following your idea? Hilmy Positive yesterday. Host : What did you invent?

Cooper : I invented a cell phone. Cooper : I thought whether the cell phone Interviews about The Wright functioned or not. Host : Why were you interested in making past events Brothers the call? Cooper : I called my counterpart, Dr. Girl : Excuse me. Did you see a girl with short hair and spectacles? Are you looking for your friend? E Girl : Yeah! We had an appointment to meet at this bus station 6. A before going to Surabaya.

E Boy : Please wait. Perhaps she will arrive in a few minutes. D Questions: 1. How will the girl and her friend go to Surabaya? Create a dialog of asking for and providing information 2.

Contoh jawaban: Questions 3 to 5 refer to the following dialog. Keenan : Good morning, Amelia. Boy : Did you know that Dodit is hospitalized? Amelia : Good morning, Keenan. Boy : He was playing soccer when suddenly he fell to the Keenan : Yeah, thanks. How about ground and fractured his arm. When did the incident happen?

Amelia : Very well, thanks. Boy : Two days ago, during practice for the tournament. Keenan : Anyway, how was your weekend? My family and I watched a movie afternoon. We had a very relaxing time.

What happened to Dodit? Keenan : What a fun weekend! When did the incident occur? Amelia : Yes, for sure. How about you? What did you do at the 5. What do the speakers plan to do? Keenan : I helped my father pick strawberries at the garden. Amelia : Wow! That was such a worthwhile activity. Keenan : Indeed. I learned to pick strawberries. Here you are. Amelia : Thank you.

In this time, David Allison the host interviewed Bill Gates about his family and school experiences. Tell me several qualities that you attribute to your family that later shaped your career at your company. Gates : My dad was a lawyer and my mom was very involved in business activities as a board member in non-profit organizations like running United Way Campaigns.

She was the Director of the University of Washington, banks, that kind of thing. They shared what they were doing out in the world with my older sister and I as we were growing up. Host : Were other of your contemporaries equally interested in the business, or did you find yourself unusual among the groups? I started in seventh grade. That was kind of a change for me. Very strict. I did eventually find several friends there, few of who had the same sort of interest, like reading business magazines and Fortune.

We were always creating funny company names and having people send us their product literature [laughs]. Trying to think about how business worked and in particular, looking at computer companies and what was going on with them. Host : How did the faculty respond to your interest outside of your curriculum compared to your interest in your own studies? I had quite a bit of free time.

Now, I was very young. I was in eighth grade and a few of the older students kind of barged in and thought they could figure it out. Very quickly, the teachers were intimidated. It was sort of a group of students reading the manuals and trying things out. Host : Clearly, your extracurricular activity was probably more important in your later development than what you did in class, or at least equally important [Bill laughs].

How do you feel as we look at problems in education, that students that are coming up interested in technical things should balance those. Do you think it is important to explore things on your own at that age?

I know this better than the teachers. Let me try and see if I can understand at the next level. It is kind of a feedback loop, which because the classroom has a lot of people, and maybe there is not a subject that you think you are good at or interested at.

It is just fascinating to try and figure out the computer. She was a board member in non-profit organizations like running United Way Campaigns and the Director of the University of Washington, banks, that kind of thing. Gates went to Lakeside School when he was about 12 years old. He started in seventh grade. That was kind of a change for him. He eventually found several friends there, few of who had the same interest, like reading business magazines and Fortune.

They were always creating funny company names and having people send us their product literature. Gates was relieved from few classes, Math in particular, because he had read ahead. He had quite a bit of free time. He was very young. He was in eighth grade and few of the older students kind of barged in and thought they could figure it out. What sports does he play? What are his achievements? He is a future Indonesian prospect badminton player. In this chapter, you will learn about recount texts relating experiences.

Peserta didik diminta memahami gambar apersepsi dan kalimat-kalimat di bawah gambar tersebut. Jawaban: He is Ihsan Maulana, a future Indonesian prospect badminton player.

There was a meet-and-greet event with Reza Rahadian 1. They are Anggun picture 1 and Lionel Messi picture 2. Anggun is a famous singer and Lionel Messi is a soccer 2. The audience had to wait for almost thirty minutes before genius. Contoh jawaban: They are successful because they work 3. The actor waved to his fans and smiled friendly. We sang along before the principal delivered his speech. Contoh jawaban: They are disciplined and hard working. I was very nervous when Reza Rahadian asked me to 5.

Contoh jawaban: We have to work hard, improve our take a picture with him. He is from PB. Djarum, a badminton club in Kudus, Central Java. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column Ihsan was selected for the national team as the B, correctly. Ihsan defeated Sony Dwi Kuncoro and caught the attention 1. He was part of the greet event c.

He also participated in many international challenges 4. His best performance in the international 7. At the 28th Southeast Asian Games Read your work aloud. TASK 3 Kata-kata yang dikerjakan oleh peserta didik dan jawaban: Find an article about a famous person; an athlete, an artist No. Word Synonym or a scientist.

Kemudian, mereka diminta menjelaskan 8. Word Synonym No. Word Synonym Erlin and her friends were chatting at the hall when the The class captain began the discussion a few minutes ago. Will you be an entrepreneur or civil servant? I waved to my friend when we met. All OSIS members attended the monthly meeting. Are you fear of losing your valuable items?

Do you know who the founder of this company is? Raditya explained about what had happened briefly TASK 1 and then left. What do the words in TASK 2 mean? The seminar almost ended when suddenly the fire TASK 2 broke out. Make ten sentences using the words from TASK 2. Peser ta didik diminta membuat 10 kalimat menggunakan kata-kata dari TASK 2. Mereka diberi waktu pengerjaan selama 10—15 menit. Read the text aloud. Ibu Guru berkeliling sambil memberi petunjuk cara membuat kalimat, misal dengan mengingat peristiwa yang telah terjadi di lingkungan sekitar.

Apabila ada peserta didik 3. Setelah waktu yang diberikan habis, peserta didik yang mengenal tokoh dalam gambar tersebut, mereka diminta secara sukarela tunjuk jari, ke depan kelas, diminta menjelaskan secara singkat. Peserta didik diminta membaca nyaring teks berikut, baik tulis.

Peserta didik yang lain menyimak. Hal ini memahami per tanyaan pemahaman teks dan penting dan perlu dijadikan pembiasaan agar menjawabnya. Jawaban: 7. Apabila peserta didik mengalami kesulitan dalam No. The keynote speaker entered the hall at a. People who were interested in business or becoming They applauded him.

The keynote speaker was Reza Nurhilman, a young Maicih Inti Sinergi. He motivated them to actualize their ideas immediately, before other people took the chances. Because the keynote speaker showed the audience about TASK 3 how to see a business opportunity, Complete the following statements based on the dialog in then value and execute it.

He also explained many tips the TASK 2. My account. Facebook Instagram Twitter. Menu Home Browse Browse our collection. Grab it with your hands! Did you know we have Download it to your device.

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